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The First Lady Calls for Promoting the Value of Tolerance on the International Day of Peace

Wednesday, 21 September 2022 / 12:00 PM

Peace is the spirit of heavenly religions. It remains the only choice to achieving coexistence and providing reassurance, which is missing in many societies ruined by conflicts and wars.

Therefore, on the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated in the whole world, we need to establish a culture of peace and promote the values of tolerance, coexistence and acceptance of the other to build a safe, stable and prosperous society at all levels.


First Lady 21 September 2022

The First Lady Calls for Promoting the Value of Tolerance on the International Day of Peace

Wednesday, 21 September 2022 / 12:00 PM

Peace is the spirit of heavenly religions. It remains the only choice to achieving coexistence and providing reassurance, which is missing in many societies ruined by conflicts and wars.

Therefore, on the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated in the whole world, we need to establish a culture of peace and promote the values of tolerance, coexistence and acceptance of the other to build a safe, stable and prosperous society at all levels.