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The statistical annex includes: 

First: Demography

- Total population 

- Percentage of total population (%) 

- Urban population (%)

- Rural population (%)

- Males (%)

- Females (%)

- Annual population growth rate (%)

- Birth rate (per 1000 individuals) 

- Mortality rate (per 1000 individuals)

- Population as per age group (%)


Second: Education Enrolment Indicators

- Net enrolment rate (%) (2019/2020)

- Dropout Rate (%) between (2017/2018 and 2018/2019)


Third: Workforce Indicators 

- Total workforce 

- Workforce as a percentage of the total population 

- Workforce % (Females / Males)

- Total employed (,000)

- Employment by sector (%) 

- Unemployment rate (%)


Fourth: SDGs Indicators

- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

- SDG Indicators 

- Year

- National Value 


Fifth: Private and Public Establishments

- Total Establishments

- Invested Capital

- Production

- Net value added