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The First Lady Celebrates World Environment Day

Monday, 05 June 2023 / 01:54 PM

Today, the world celebrates World Environment Day which reflects the world's solidarity and attention to the importance of preserving natural resources that have been deteriorated as a result of human intervention in natural life and ecosystems. This requires all of us to deem natural wealth a shared responsibility and preserve it for a better future for us and future generations.

First Lady 05 June 2023

The First Lady Celebrates World Environment Day

Monday, 05 June 2023 / 01:54 PM

Today, the world celebrates World Environment Day which reflects the world's solidarity and attention to the importance of preserving natural resources that have been deteriorated as a result of human intervention in natural life and ecosystems. This requires all of us to deem natural wealth a shared responsibility and preserve it for a better future for us and future generations.